Residenza Elettiva, Permesso, Carta di Soggiorno Itália

Residência Eletiva - Itália Em que hipóteses a autorização de residência é emitida para residência eletiva? A autorização de residência para residência eletiva pode ser emitida em quatro hipóteses diferentes: a) ao estrangeiro que possui visto de entrada para residência eletiva. (Decreto Interministerial de 11 de Maio de 2011 e Regulamento (UE) no 977/2011 da Comissão, de 3 de Outubro de 2011, que altera o Regulamento (CE) no 810/2009 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho que estabelece o Código Comunitário de Vistos (código de visto). b) ao cidadão estrangeiro titular de autorização de residência para trabalho subordinado, de forma autónoma ou familiar, mediante conversão da autorização de residência (artigo 14.º, n.º 1, alínea d), Reg.Att.); c) o cidadão estrangeiro "outro membro da família" de cidadão comunitário (Circular do Ministério do Interior de 18/07/2007); d) ao cidadão estrangeiro empregado pelo Vaticano (Circular do Ministério do Interior de 24/05/2005). A) cidadã

The massacres against the landless in Brazil and Human Rights

Minister Luislinda Valois on Human Rights defends investigation of the massacre in Pará

Human Rights Minister Luislinda Valois on Friday defended that the investigation into the 10 landless massacres in Pau D'Arco in southeastern Pará be controlled by the public agencies of Marabá, a town 426 kilometers Which concentrates police stations specializing in murders in the countryside, the Federal Police and the Federal Public Ministry.

 She expressed concern about the expertise of the slaughterhouse. Experts from Marabá and Parauapebas only arrived at the crime area after police in the municipality of Pau D'Arco had withdrawn the bodies. "We can not let things happen anyway," she said. "The expertise has to be done with a lot of commitment and dedication."

The massacre of the landless took place the morning of last Wednesday during a reintegration of ownership of Fazenda Santa Lúcia. Human rights entities complained that the lawsuit was requested by the Justice Department to the Military Police packed in the municipality, without experience in evictions. Families of the dead landless said that the agents came firing, denying that there was a confrontation.

A team from the Ministry of Human Rights was sent to Pará to follow up the initial information and surveys of the massacre. "The situation is vexatious, embarrassing and inadmissible. In the 21st century, this situation can not occur," said Luislinda Valois. "As a minister, as a citizen and as a human being I can not accept what happened. No one can accept," he said.

The minister stressed that she trusts the work of judges and prosecutors in elucidating and punishing those responsible for the massacre. Luizinda's concern with the expertise and investigations in Pau D'Arco, however, is based on surveys submitted by human rights entities.

Rare cases of landless killings, especially in southeastern Pará, have turned into a prosecution complaint or the perpetrators were tried and convicted by the courts. One of the most emblematic cases of violence in the countryside occurred in April 1996. The military police executed from 19 landless in Curva do S, in Eldorado do Carajás.

Commenting on the wave of violence in the camp, Luislinda Valois said that it is necessary to trigger concrete actions at all levels of government. It also assesses the need and seek understanding with business segments of the rural sector. "We can not afford to talk to any segment of society," he said.

This Friday, she met Justice Minister Osmar Serraglio to assess the situation of the victims of the Pará massacre.


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